February 1

World Read Aloud Day 2019

Today (February 1, 2019) is World Read Aloud Day. Teachers, librarians, authors, random people on the street were encouraged to read a book or story out loud to spread the joy of reading.

I found myself substituting in 7th grade English today, so of course that was perfect for reading. I asked my own 8th grader to pick a picture book from his childhood stash that wouldn’t be too awful for junior high kids and took that along with me.  While I didn’t get to read to my actual classes (not enough time), I did make a video of myself reading it to share with the rest of the world.

And so, I present to you…The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith (excerpt: The Really Ugly Duckling).


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